
Universal & smart moisturizer


Hyaluronic like action, Red algae from baltic sea also strengthens hydration and cohesion of the epidermis, from the deepest to the outermost layers. From its scientific name Furcellaria lumbricalis. Furcellaria comes from the Latin Furcula, which means "little pointed fork". It is an algae from the Baltic Sea whose salt concentration is very close to physiological serum: 10g/L for the Baltic Sea against 9g/L for physiological serum.A concentrate of Oligofurcellaran obtained from the red algae furcellaria lumbricalis which is very common in Scandinavian waters.  Hyaluronic like action, it also strengthens hydration and cohesion of the epidermis, from the deepest to the outermost layers.


How it Works? :

Stimulates the synthesis of epidermal and dermal hyaluronic acid. Reinforces the factors of cohesion and restructuring. Reinforces the barrier function Protection against pollution Adaptive hydration according to climate



Hydrates all skin types.

Moisturizes whatever the climatic conditions.

Boosts the moisturizing action of hyaluronic acid.

Reinforces the freshness of the complexion.




24 hours after being applied the level of hydration of the skin is 3 times higher than that produced by hyaluronic acid.

After 7 days use the hydration level is twice as high as that obtained with hyaluronic acid and the surface of the skin is visibly restructured